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  4. Free SAT Preparation with FlexBook Improves Performance on Exam

SAT exam with lessons and questions in math, reading, and writing., which provides free test prep for college entrance exams to high school students across the country.

SAT Prep FlexBook (Questions and Answer Key) FlexBook® Textbooks

A free mini-book to prepare students for the SAT exam with lessons and questions in math, reading, and writing.

Created by: CK-12 Subject: Exam Preparation

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INeedaPencil - SAT lessons anywhere

CK-12 Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing access to high quality educational materials for K-12 students all over the world. We offer free high-quality, standards-aligned, open content in the STEM subjects. By providing these free resources, CK-12 is working toward educational equity for all.


A web-based interactive math curriculum that provides daily lessons and real-time feedback.

I Need A Pencil

Free online SAT preparation with practice questions and an adaptive SAT score predictor.


A Facebook application allowing students to ask questions whenever they need answers.


Builds deep mastery and sharpens problem-solving skills through the most comprehensive K-12 math and science practice content.

