This handwashing demonstration will show you how handwashing can get rid of germs and chemicals that get on our hands every day. Read More Family Safety Activity Downloads
Children with disabilities are among the most excluded in society. Highlighting their abilities instead of focusing on their disabilities helps promote not just a positive image for them, but also their inclusion and participation in society so that they can also enjoy their rights as children. Read More Child Health Activity Downloads
Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. While having one or more of these traits does not mean a child has autism, it’s important to be aware of them so that you can consult a professional for...
We all know about the harm drinks other than water can cause us, but what if we replace them with it completely? How much water should you drink? All humans need water to survive. In fact, two-thirds of your body is comprised of the stuff. Child Health Activity Downloads
Millions of Americans use hand sanitizers daily to remove germs from their hands. Here's what you need to know about them! Washing hands with soap and clean water is the best way to remove germs that can make you and others sick. If you don’t have soap and clean water, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol....
To help prevent the spread of infection, it is best to wash your hands with soap and clean running water for about 20 seconds. If soap and clean water are not available, you should use an alcohol-based product to clean hands. Read More Family Safety Activity Downloads
Olympic record-breaker Michael Phelps shared a part of his personal story he hadn’t talked about publicly before. Phelps—who won 28 Olympic medals (including 23 gold medals) in swimming between 2004 and 2012—revealed that, at the end of each Olympics, he felt seriously depressed. By law, most health plans must cover illnesses of the...
Environmental Working Group (EWG) Tap Water Database – the most complete source available on the quality of U.S. drinking water, aggregating and analyzing data from almost 50,000 public water utilities nationwide. Read More Family Safety Activity Downloads