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FlightGear is a flight-simulator created by an international group of volunteers, and released as free, open-source GPL software. It has been used for academic research, education, and for fun. All items are free to view, share, and download. Read More
Print instructions to make a kite. A kite is a tethered object with an aerodynamic surface that creates lift in order to overcome gravity and fly. You are free to download and share our list of learning activities. NASA Activity Downloads
Can our heroes save the precious plankton? Climate Kids is produced by the Earth Science Communications Team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory / California Institute of Technology You are free to download and share our list of learning activities. NASA Activity Downloads
Will our heroes ever find their way home? Climate Kids is produced by the Earth Science Communications Team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory / California Institute of Technology You are free to download and share our list of learning activities. NASA Activity Downloads
What is engineering, and who exactly is an engineer? NASA Kids Clubhouse is a place to play games, activities to print, videos and to learn about NASA! You are free to download and share our list of learning activities. NASA Activity Downloads
We look at the sun rising every day. It's bright, it's big and it warms us up. Our sun happens to be the brightest object in our universe and it has captured our curiosity and imaginations throughout history. NASA Kids Clubhouse is a place to play games, activities to print, videos and to learn about NASA! You are free to download and share our...
Although the moon has remained largely unchanged during human history, our understanding of it and how it has changed over time has evolved dramatically. Thanks to new measurements, we have new and unprecedented views of its surface, along with new insight into how it and other rocky planets in our solar system came to look the way they do. See...
Astronauts live in space for months at a time. This a tour of the International Space Station to learn what life is like in low gravity! NASA Kids Clubhouse is a place to play games, activities to print, videos and to learn about NASA! You are free to download and share our list of learning activities. NASA Activity Downloads
Space Place in a Snap: Quick and fun answers to big science questions brought to you by NASA's Space Place! NASA Kids Clubhouse is a place to play games, activities to print, videos and to learn about NASA! You are free to download and share our list of learning activities. NASA Activity Downloads
