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  5. Dog Paddling Puppies Water Safety Animation Download

Bobber the Water Safety Dog teaches puppies Corky and Sinker the importance of water safety at Waterbowl Lake.

mp4Dog Paddling Puppies Cartoon
Size 5.87 MB

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Enjoy fun boating activities with Bobber the dog, by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The activities are free to view, download and share with family and friends.

Bobber the Water Safety Dog invites kids to visit his water safety website to paws and play games, color, watch cartoons, and learn about the importance of wearing a life jacket.

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 Public Downloads

All items are free to view, share, and download.

About: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has approximately 37,000 dedicated Civilians and Soldiers delivering engineering services to customers in more than 130 countries worldwide.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers men and women are protecting and restoring the Nation's environment including critical efforts in the Everglades, the Louisiana coast, and along many of our Nation's major waterways. The Corps is also cleaning sites contaminated with hazardous, toxic or radioactive waste and material in an effort to sustain the environment.

The content is free of known copyright restrictions under U.S. copyright law.  publicdomain

