Browse free downloads for educational activity books, community resources, kids’ environmental learning activities, and other helpful tools to climate change information. The site is designed for personal use. All items are free to view, share, and download.
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Energy Star® Kids Activities & Resources
Improving your home's energy efficiency can help to lower high energy bills, improve comfort and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
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Energy Literacy Activities and Puzzles
Energy awareness activity book provides learning tools to make smart energy choices and energy efficiency for saving money.
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Energy Star® Kids Smart Energy Puzzles
One of the greatest energy resources we have at our fingertips is energy efficiency, or the energy that would otherwise be wasted.
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Energy Efficient Coloring Book
This coloring book's mission is to save energy. How many kids does it take to change a light bulb and save some energy? Just one—YOU!
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Green Home Energy Efficiency Audit
Before making upgrades, the first step toward increasing your home’s energy efficiency and comfort is to conduct a whole house energy audit.
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Energy Saver Guide
The suggestions in this guide and on the website can help you save energy, save money, and improve the comfort of your home.
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Activities that help kids awareness for saving energy at home to lower high energy bills.
DOWNLOADSEmpowering children to take the lead at home by inspiring families to make wise energy choices.
DOWNLOADSInformation and activities to explore sources of energy, how energy is used and wasted.
DOWNLOADSSchools energy efficiency decrease their costs and free up funds for other education-related expenses.
DOWNLOADSUse these tips to save energy at home. You’ll help stop energy waste and fight climate change.
This activity book introduces you to the fascinating marine life in and around marine harbors.
DOWNLOADSA storybook of coloring pages on a healthy harbor as vital to support the diverse marine communities.
DOWNLOADSDrinking water fun facts and activities about communities protecting and conserving water.
DOWNLOADSActivity and coloring book introductes Hawaii’s ocean coral reef and why it is important.
DOWNLOADSA hands-on project-based activity. Collecting, sorting, and investigating marine debris.
DOWNLOADSCommunity toolkit for reducing plastic straw waste and the hazards to marine animals.
DOWNLOADSStudents will be introduced to the Marine animals that live on the ice sheets of Antarctica.
DOWNLOADSStudents research general facts about Antarctica, research occupations and role-play.
DOWNLOADSAntarctica is a giant island that is surrounded by the Southern Ocean. The Arctic is not a continent.
DOWNLOADSArctic activity resource guide book for kids and students online to enhance understanding of climate change.
DOWNLOADSStudents will learn the scientific background behind Arctic sea ice, its role in the environment.
DOWNLOADSStudents create an arctic food web to understand the feeding connections between tundra plants and animals.
Teaching Stranger Safety Skills
It is important to continue to remind your child about safety skills and to have him or her occasionally practice.
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Feeling Safe Being Safe
Safety action plan activities will teach children the important ways to keep themselves safe in a variety of situations.
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Poison Safety and Prevention
Crossword puzzles and worksheets to learn “Stop! Ask First” before touching, tasting, or smelling.
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Electrical Safety Awareness
Activities provided are for a variety of ages, ranging from coloring pages to more challenging.
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Activity sheets for learning good eye health and keeping the eyes safe at work and at play.
Learn the importance of healthy dental care habits while having fun with these coloring and activity sheets!
Educational activities to develop the habits and behaviors that will influence their life-long health.
This booklet of coloring pages get children familiar with the four simple steps to food safety.
An entertaining and informative introduction to art online programs or free download to your Mac or PC.
An educational book of activities, coloring pages, word puzzles for kids safety using climate as topics.
A library collection of cultural coloring books to represent themes based on materials in their collections from around the world.
Bicycle Safety Activity Kit to provide parents, caregivers, teachers, community leaders, and children with tools to learn the important basics about bicycle safety.
A collection of bicycle learning activities for ages 4-11 to view, share and download.
DOWNLOADSBicycle safety and challenge their knowledge by completing activities that make learning fun.
DOWNLOADSActivities to emphasize the message about bicycle safety and recognizing the traffic signs.
DOWNLOADSBasic principles and responsibilities to ensure personal safety as well as the safety of others.
DOWNLOADSStaying safe when you're on your bike should be a priority for all of us. Here are a few practical tips.
DOWNLOADSWe provide fun activities, guides, information and resources for people with disabilities.
Download activities with greater independence by enabling people to perform and complete tasks.
Free multimedia designed to view, share, and download with activated closed captioning.
Can our heroes save the precious plankton? Climate Kids is produced by the Earth Science Communications Team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory / California Institute of Technology
You are free to download and share our list of learning activities.
NASA Activity Downloads
First Lady Michelle Obama
The challenge invited kids ages 8-12, in collaboration with a parent or guardian, to create an original, healthy, affordable, and delicious lunch recipe.
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Let's Move! Initiative
Five annual Kids’ “State Dinners,” over 6,000 recipes were submitted and more than 270 young chefs and their families were welcomed.
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Kids' "State Dinner"
Fifty-six young chefs representing each U.S. state, five territories, and DC joined First Lady Michelle Obama.
Watch VideoYoung Chefs, Healthy Lunchtime Challenge![]()
Judging of the Challenge
Go behind the scenes as decisions are made and a winner is picked to earn a trip to the White House Kids State Dinner.
Watch VideoYoung Chefs, Healthy Lunchtime Challenge![]()
Through The Eyes of The Eagle (Book 1) - Mr. Eagle tells Rain That Dances he needs to remember ancestors healthy ways.
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Knees Lifted High (Book 2) - Mr. Eagle encourages and shows the boys how much fun it can be to be physically active.
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Plate Full of Color (Book 3) - Miss Rabbit teaches the children the value of eating a variety of colorful healthy foods.
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Tricky Treats - Coyote tries to trick the children into eating unhealthy foods. The children learn the importance of healthy snacks.
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Grades 5–8: Download Coyote and the Turtle’s Dream (Book 1) – The children meet fossil poachers and the tricky coyote.
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Grades 5–8: Download Hummingbird’s Squash (Book 2) – Hummingbird, a 12-year-old girl, hopes to grow vegetables.
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Grades 5–8: Download Trickster of Two Rabbit Mountain (Book 3) – Rain, Rain’s dad, and Boomer meet “the Two Rabbit” during a trip.
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Download Coyote and the Turtle’s Dream Graphic Novel This four-volume, comic book–style adaptation of the original books.
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Download amazing graphics and a script for a theater production with suggestions for props, staging, and intermission snacks.
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This video tells the story of how the Eagle Books were developed.
This video shows how the Eagle Books were used as the basis of outreach events.
Hollywood actor and Cherokee tribal member, Wes Studi, relays the powerful message: "Our people and cultures hold the answers. Our cultures are our source of health."
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