FREE to create your own MyARKive scrapbooks. You can download the materials for your own personal research and educational use.
Teachers, educators, researchers and students may incorporate these materials into their lesson plans, presentations, work sheets, projects etc in hard copy and digital format for internal educational use.
Education using ARKive
Educate your pupils using Arkive's many thousands of videos, images and fact files in a wide range of science, ICT, art and English projects. Use the ARKive multimedia materials to engage your class in key biology topics, such as variation and adaptation, habitats or life cycles, or use them as creative inspiration for art & design projects.
Science teaching resources
ARKive's science teaching resources cover many key science subjects, including evolution, classification, adaptation, food chains and conservation.
Public Downloads
All items are free to view, share, and download.
When available, we provide all our content with a Spanish version in our public download section. You can find additional material from sources listed in all our articles.
Download Wildlife and Environment Activities

Science games
Educational games and puzzles about habitats, animal survival and animal life stages. education
Video: ARKive
Wildlife films and photos are vital weapons in the battle to save the world's endangered plants and animals from the brink of extinction. So, with the help of the worlds best filmmakers, photographers, conservationists and scientists, ARKive is creating the ultimate multimedia guide to the world's endangered species.
More listed on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. ARKive Wiki