Energy Efficiency Let’s Save Energy Worksheet
The Easy Energy Action Plan Checklist
K-12 Energy Efficiency Treasure Hunt Checklist
K-12 Water Efficiency Treasure Hunt Checklist
Energy 101 Home Energy Audits
Energy 101: Lumens and the Lighting Facts Label
Energy 101: Latest Lighting Choices are Better
Holiday Recycling to Reduce Household Waste
Family Communication Plan Emergency Checklist
Hiking Backpack Emergency Card
Home Content Emergency Kit Checklist
Pet Emergency Kit Checklist and Shelter Plan
Natural Disasters Learning Video for Kids
About Floods Learning Video for Kids
Where Does the Tsunami Originate From?
What is a Tornado Learning Video for Kids
Marine Debris Magnet Craft Activity Sheet
Marine Debris Sorting and I.D. Lesson Activity Sheet
Ocean Crusaders Word Search Activity Sheets
Did You Know Marine Debris Bookmark Series
Ocean Crusaders Marine Coloring Sheets
Marine Debris Impact on the Ocean Animals Poster
Marine Debris and Plastic Source Reduction Toolkit
Marine Debris Song MP3 and Lyrics
Activity sheets for learning good eye health and keeping the eyes safe at work and at play.
Learn the importance of healthy dental care habits while having fun with these coloring and activity sheets!
Educational activities to develop the habits and behaviors that will influence their life-long health.
This booklet of coloring pages get children familiar with the four simple steps to food safety.
An entertaining and informative introduction to art online programs or free download to your Mac or PC.
An educational book of activities, coloring pages, word puzzles for kids safety using climate as topics.
A library collection of cultural coloring books to represent themes based on materials in their collections from around the world.
Bicycle Safety Activity Kit to provide parents, caregivers, teachers, community leaders, and children with tools to learn the important basics about bicycle safety.
We provide fun activities, guides, information and resources for people with disabilities.
Download activities with greater independence by enabling people to perform and complete tasks.
Free multimedia designed to view, share, and download with activated closed captioning.
This video tells the story of how the Eagle Books were developed.
This video shows how the Eagle Books were used as the basis of outreach events.
Hollywood actor and Cherokee tribal member, Wes Studi, relays the powerful message: "Our people and cultures hold the answers. Our cultures are our source of health."